Let me ask you a question: can you, right now in 10 seconds or less, survey your organization with your own eyes and personally observe how productive your employees are being, regardless of their location? Can you see in that time, whether you're getting more or less for the payroll you're spending?
Too often the heads of businesses don't know the work isn't getting done until it's too late--until they feel it tightening around their own neck.
How are you ever going to set up your business life so that you can one day step back, whether it's to retire, sell your business or invest yourself in some other activity (family, another business venture, etc.)?
What if you could install a program across your business that would give you that freedom you seek?
What if it gave you the ability to visibly see the load of work, by employee, at any moment, at a glance? AND easily shift that workload as needed.
"Impossible!", you might say. "No program like that exists...". And you're right. It hasn't existed.
Until now.
The other day I met a fellow who, by installing this one program two years ago, reduced his employee size by one HALF. That is to say: he effectively doubled the efficiency of his organization, practically overnight!
Do you think this software paid for itself? You bet. And it would have probably cost him more to buy all his employees a free Starbucks latte every day of the month.
If you're a business owner or senior executive, this is the software you have been dreaming about (assuming you still have time to, in all the chaos). The only person who wouldn't want it around, would be the guy who knows he's loafing on your time and wouldn't want you catching on. It's THAT good.
Eighty people have worked on this program over the last 5 years in Israel. It's been being used by the Israeli military and a major cellular service provider there. (Did you know that they have more college grads and Nobel prize winners per capita than any other country? Hmm..maybe they are onto something...)
Now this program, this model of efficiency, is coming to the U.S.
For a limited time the founder and creator of the product is giving a free demo and presentation. If you like the idea of getting some of your time back--of not being slave to email--of making the best use of your time, I can't stress enough the importance of seeing this demonstration while it's available to you.
Contact me for more details and I'll help make all the right introductions. This is a no-risk, no-commitment first look at this amazing product as it lands on our shores. (The demo can be done remotely too, so all you'd need is a good broadband Internet connection.)
Email me here: [email protected]