Lately I've have my attention on whether we are really doing all we can to make sure our kids are eating well. Any friends who know us would probably LOL to hear me say that, because our kids have eaten the nastier fast foods (McD's, BK, etc.) probably twice or three times in their whole lives. (Seriously.)
But that is not really the measurement of whether kids are eating well, in my view--a lack of fast food. It would be a bit like saying "hey you guys don't pump poisons your kids daily, you're GREAT parents!" (Sorry, if you do, I'm not judging you here. Every family has it's own challenges and values.)
So when I look at how they have been eating, it occurred to me that, due our hectic lifestyle, they don't really get enough of a vegetable variety and we tend to get into a set pattern of the same foods over and over each week. We don't want to find out down the road that this could have lead to allergies or some other health hurdle that could have been avoided completely if we'd just done the right thing from the git-go.
Thanks to Jessica Seinefield's book, Deceptively Delicious, we have a simple way to turn this around.
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