We have been having trouble getting our boys, mostly Aidan (3), to develop an appetite. It seems as if he has had blood sugar issues too, where he would crave a lot of sweets/carbs and then after a while he would develop this crankiness which would sometimes turn into aggressive behaviour. This was all surrounded in a bit of tiredness or even lethargy.
The last time we had this problem it was with Aubrey. She exhibited almost the exact same characteristics to the point where we were getting concerned. She'd eat only carbs and was not a very voracious eater at that.
The way we fixed it with her was we found out a nutritional company that we liked, Metagenics, made a nutritional shake for children, called UltraCare for Kids. Kind of like Total Shake (in fact it has a lot of the same nutrients) for kids.
Well about 5 days ago we started feeding Aren and Aidan the same shake. I'm elated to report that Aidan has tried about 5 new foods this week and has been exhibiting a much stronger appetite. Aren (2) is also trying more foods and just seems to have less cranky "terrible twos" type 'tude.
So we're pretty happy about this and I wanted to take a second to write this up and post it. I'm sure there are other parents who are experiencing the same thing with their little ones. I'd hate for them to think it's some kind of a mental thing when so much of what a kid exhibits in terms of behavior can be traced back to nutrition.
If you want to buy the UltraCare product, you'll have to go through your doctor or you can contact Gatza Chiropractic Arts in Clearwater, FL. They have an account with Metagenics and are happy to order it for you.